BURNS, Mary (née Breslin) – Omagh, 20th September 2022, RIP, 3 McIvor Villas, Killyclogher. Beloved wife of the late Eamon and devoted mother to son Gary (Winnie), Brenda (Colly) and Andrea, caring granny to grandsons Niall, Sean, and Eoin and to great grandchildren Ella-Rose, Emily, Conan, Amelia and Grace, pre-deceased by sons Brian and Conor, dear sister of Margaret (McGuigan), John and the late Bridie.
Funeral Thursday leaving her late residence at 9.40 am for 10 am Requiem Mass in St. Mary’s Church, Killyclogher which can be viewed on Cappagh Parish webcam, interment in adjoining Cemetery.
Deeply regretted by her loving son, daughters, daughter-in-law, son-in-law. grandchildren, great grandchildren, brother, sister and entire family circle.
St. Martin pray for her