DONNELLY, Mary (née Rooney) – (Coalisland), 321A Coalisland Road, Derrywinnen BT71-6ET, 14th May 2022, peacefully surrounded by her loving family, RIP. Beloved wife of the late Charlie, RIP, much loved mother of Anne, Patrick, Joseph, Vincent, Kathleen, Charles, Martin, Paul and Bernadette.
Removal from her late residence Monday, 16th May to St. Mary and St. Joseph’s Church, Brackaville Road for 12 noon Requiem Mass. Interment afterwards in adjoining cemetery.
Deeply regretted by her sorrowing sons, daughters, brother Gerry, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, great grandchildren and the extended Donnelly and Rooney family circle and friends.
Our Lady of Lourdes pray for her