DUDDY, Noel – 25th April 2022, from his late residence, 2 Fox Park, Drumnakilly, Omagh, RIP. Beloved father of Jill (Gavin), Pamela (Derek), Michael (Joanne), Sarah and Gerard (Donna). Loving brother of Helen and John.
Funeral leaving his late residence on Tuesday, 26th April and arriving at the Sacred Heart Church for 8.30 pm. Requiem Mass will be celebrated at 10 am on Wednesday, 27th April 2022. Cremation will take place afterwards in Lakeland’s Crematorium, Cavan.
Deeply regretted by his sorrowing daughters, son, grandchildren, brother, sister and large family circle.
Our Lady of Knock pray for him
House private to family and close friends.
Family flowers only, donations in lieu to Marie Curie.