HANNIGAN, Mary (née McLaughlin) – (Dromore, Co. Tyrone) died peacefully at her late residence, 72 St. Dympnas Road, Dromore, BT78-3DL, surrounded by her loving family on Saturday, 27th June 2020. Wife of the late Jack. Beloved mother to Sean and Brendan, devoted grandmother to Pearce, loving sister of Brendan, Dominic, Dermot, Liam, Angela (McElroy) and the late Eugene, Pat, Eddie, Noel, Cathal, Barney, Malachy, Margaret (Milward) and Dympna (Fleming).
Mary will be reposing in her late residence from 11 am on Sunday, 28th June.
House private.
Mary will leave her late residence at 1.15 pm on Monday, 29th June for 2 pm Requiem Mass in St. Davog’s Church, Dromore, followed by her burial in the adjoining cemetery.
Mary will travel along the St. Dympna’s Road, Church Street, Main Street and the Omagh Road to St. Davog’s Church.
In light of the Coronavirus and in the interests of health and safety within the community, those who will be attending the funeral Mass will asked to observe social distancing. Alternatively, the funeral Mass can be viewed via Dromore Parish webcam.
Deeply regretted by her loving sons, grandchild, sister, brothers, brother in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces and entire family circle.
St. Padre Pio pray for her