McCAFFERTY, Bridie (née Quinn) – (Omagh), died peacefully in Craigavon Area Hospital on Friday, 6th March 2020, surrounded by her loving family. Wife of the late Dan, beloved mother to Geraldine, Noelle and Ursula, devoted grandmother to Daniel, Janet and Ella. Sister of Gerald and Patsy.
Bridie will be reposing in her late residence, 5 Glenard Road, Omagh, BT78-5BE from 12 noon on Saturday, 7th March. Bridie will leave her late residence at 9.15 am on Monday, 9th March for 10 am Requiem Mass in Sacred Heart Church, Omagh, followed by burial in the Drumragh cemetery.
House private on the morning of the funeral.
Deeply regretted by her loving daughters, grandchildren, brothers, in-laws, nephews, nieces, and entire family circle.
St. Padre Pio pray for her