McCAUGHEY, Mary (née Lynch) – Trillick, formerly of 95 Fingerpost Road, Realtons, Trillick, BT78-3SA peacefully at home surrounded by her loving family on Saturday, 22nd October 2022. Beloved wife of the late Tommy; treasured mother of Claire McGirr (Francis), Maggie McKernan (Niall), Eamonn (Susan), Aideen (Frank) and Tommy; loving and devoted grandmother to her eleven grandchildren; sister of the late Jim and Barney; sister-in-law of Lucy Lynch.
Mary will be reposing in her late residence from 4 pm on Sunday, 23rd October. Mary will leave her late residence at 10 am on Tuesday, 25th October for 11 am Requiem Mass in St. Macartan’s Church, Trillick, followed by her burial afterwards in Magheralough cemetery. The funeral Mass may be viewed via the Kilskeery Parish webcam.
House private.
Family flowers only please with donations in lieu kindly accepted for Marie Curie, c/o McAtee Funeral Directors.
For those who wish to show a presence along the funeral route, Mary will travel from the Fingerpost Road, along Rosnareen Road, Effernan Road, Main Street and the Kilskeery Road to arrive at St. Macartan’s Church at 10.50 am.
Deeply regretted by her loving daughters, sons, sons-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, sister-in-law, nephews, nieces and entire family circle.
Our Lady pray for her