McELHATTON, Kathleen (née Corr) – (4 Blackrock Road, Dunamore, BT80-9NS), January 9th, 2022, RIP. Beloved wife of the late Joey, RIP. Devoted mother of Mary (McCoy), Sean and Peter also mother in-law of Michael, Winnie and Mary. Dear sister of Peter. Beloved daughter of the late Mary and Patrick, RIP.
Kathleen’s remains are reposing at her late residence.
Funeral from there on Tuesday at 10.30 am for 11 am Requiem Mass in Church of St. Mary’s, Dunamore. Burial afterwards in adjoining cemetery.
Deeply regretted and sorrowfully missed by her loving daughter, sons, grandchildren, great grandchildren, son-in-law, daughters-in-law, brother, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, neighbours, friends and her entire family circle.
Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her Soul
In line with government guidelines, COVID restrictions apply, wake strictly private to family only please.
Kathleen’s funeral Mass can be viewed also using the link
All enquiries to Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors Cookstown. Tel: (028) 867 65454