McGARRIGLE, John (Bull) – peacefully, 30th October, 2020, RIP. Beloved husband of Marie, much loved father of Marie, John, Gerard, Majella, Audra, Sharon, Sandra, Jude and Dominic, loving brother of Dominic, Seamus, Geraldine and the late Eugene, Mickey and Patricia.
Funeral from the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Marie and Noel Maguire, 19, Drumrallagh, Strabane on Sunday, November 1st at 10.30 am for Funeral Mass in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Strabane at 11 am. Interment afterwards in Strabane Cemetery.
The Funeral Mass will be streamed live via the Parish webcam at
Due to Government restrictions, the house, Mass and Interment are strictly private to family only please. Anyone wishing to leave a message of sympathy for the family may do so using the condolences section below.
Very deeply regretted and sadly missed by his sorrowing wife, daughters, sons, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, great grandchildren, brothers, sister and entire family circle.
St. Pio Intercede for John