McGARVEY, Maureen (née O’Neill) – (Cranagh / Park), September 22nd, 2022, RIP. Beloved wife of the late Joe, RIP, devoted mother of James, Margaret Mary, Olive, Josephine, Sheila, Cyril, Fergal, Gertie, Alfie and the late Sarah Ann, Eileen and baby Patrick, RIP. Loving sister of Olive, Jim and the late Eileen, Brian, Michael and Sarah, RIP.
Funeral leaving her late residence, 247 Glenelly Road, Cranagh on Saturday, 24th September 2022 at 11.20 am for 12 noon Requiem Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, Cranagh, with interment afterwards in adjoining cemetery.
Very deeply regretted by her sons daughters, grandchildren, great grandchildren, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, sister, brother, nephews, nieces and entire family circle.
Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her Soul
Any further enquiries to Kieran Kirk Funeral Directors. Tel: (028) 867 63613 or 07919 – 108949