McMENAMIN, Nellie (Ellen) (née McElhill) – 49 Meenacloy Road, Castlederg, Co. Tyrone, BT81-7SN, peacefully at the South West Acute Hospital, Enniskillen surrounded by her loving family, 21st March 2023. Loving wife of the late Owen, RIP; much loved mother of Hugh (Geraldine), Sean, Owen, Patrick, Joseph and Mary (Mickey Grimes); cherished sister of John, Katie Deveney and the late Sarah, Mary and Neil, RIP.
Nellie will be reposing at her son Owens residence, 46 Meenacloy Road on Wednesday, 22nd March from 1 pm and all day Thursday. Nellie will leave her late residence, 49 Meenacloy Road on Friday morning at 10 am arriving at Saint Patrick’s Church, Langfield Drumquin for 11 am Requiem Mass, burial immediately afterwards in the old Cemetery.
Deeply regretted and sadly missed by her sorrowing sons, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother, sister, grandchildren, great grandchildren and entire family circle.
Our Lady of Knock pray for her