NOONE, Una (née McOsker) – 39 Ratheen Avenue, Cookstown, BT80-8HJ, suddenly, 19th June 2022, RIP. Beloved mum of Tracey and Barry, cherished Nanny of Tiarnan, mother-in-law of Graham Cox (London), daughter of the late Hugh and Agnes, RIP, sister of Patsy, Dympna (McAleer), Marie (Bradley), Kevin, Brian, Bridget (Dempsey), Charlie and the late Vincent, RIP.
Una’s remains are reposing at Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors from 6 pm until 9 pm on Wednesday (strictly private to family only) and Thursday from 5 pm to 8 pm (for family and close friends).
Funeral from there on Friday, 24th June at 11:40 am going to Holy Trinity Church, Cookstown for 12 noon Requiem Mass, followed by burial in Forthill cemetery.
Deeply regretted and sadly missed by her daughter, son, grandson, son-in-law, sisters, brothers, sister-in-laws, brothers-in-laws, nieces, nephews, friends, neighbours and the wider family circle.
Donations in lieu if desired directly to Macmillan Cancer Care.
St. Padre Pio pray for her
Una’s funeral Mass can also be viewed using the link:
All enquiries directly to Niall A. Loughran Funeral Directors. Tel: (028) 867 65454