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ROHOU, Evelyn

ROHOU – The death has taken place October 28th, 2020 at the Royal Victoria Hospital of Evelyn Rohou. (née McDevitt), 14 Derry Road, Strabane. Much loved mother of Jane and Claire, mother-in-law of Mathieu, dearly loved grandmother of Hugo and sister of Fr. Eamon, Marijona, Liam and the late Siobhan.

Removal from Quigley’s Funeral Home on Friday, October 30th at 5.30 pm to the Sacred Heart Church, Derry Road, Strabane. Requiem Mass on Saturday, October 31st, 2020 at 10 am. Interment afterwards in Strabane Cemetery.

Deeply regretted by her sorrowing daughters, son-in-law, grandson, brothers, sister and family circle.


Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her Soul

Donations in lieu of flowers please, to Dr. Finnegan and his team in the Haematology Department, Belfast City Hospital.

In accordance with current restrictions (re: Coronavirus) the house and funeral will be private to family only please. The Funeral Mass can be viewed live via the Parish webcam,


  • Sandrine Alquier (from 3 collines Mougins France) , 30 October 2020 @ 9:13 am

    Very Sad to hear about the departure of my dear Evelyn. She was à very strong, nice and funny women. She was à super colleague I worked with during 11years and à very special person for me. Always near me when I needed. She will stay in My Heart .
    All My condolence to the whole family.

    Je continue en français c’est plus simple pour moi. Jane, Claire, vous ne me connaissez pas pas j’ai beaucoup entendu parler de vous. De Mathieu et Hugo aussi d’ailleurs. Votre maman comptait beaucoup pour moi et je suis vraiment très triste de sa disparition. Je pleure en vous écrivant ces mots. Elle avait exactement le même âge que ma maman qui nous à aussi quitté l’an dernier d’un cancer. Evelyn avait d’ailleurs été touchée par le décès de ma mère et m’avait longuement appelé pour me remonter le moral. Elles s’etaient rencontrées plusieurs fois lors de fêtes de Noël ou à la kermesse et s’etaient bien entendues. C’etait toutes les 2 des personnes très généreuses et sociables. Evelyn était donc un peu ma “maman” Des 3 collines. Elle a suivi ma grossesse avec joie et l’Evolution de ma petite Emilie avec intérêt, n’oubliant jamais de lui offrir un cadeau pour son anniversaire. Elle attendait avec impatience de pouvoir gâter ses petits enfants et était tellement contente de nous annoncé la grossesse tant désirée de sa fille et l’arrivee du beau petit Hugo ainsi que le mariage avec Mathieu le beau french-boy (mon conjoint s’appelle aussi Mathieu ). Elle apportait la joie de vivre dans l’Ecole et je garderai en mémoire sa bonne humeur, ses chapeaux et perruques pour la saint Patrick avec le saumon qu’elle tenait à apporter, les chants de Noël ou elle chantait très faux mais avec coeur, et tous les bons moments passes avec elle. Je suis de tout coeur avec vous et vous envoie beaucoup de courage. Je serai bien sûr avec vous demain en pensée et sur le lien en visio
    Rest in peace my dear Evelyn, I’ll never forget you.

  • Leo Norris , 30 October 2020 @ 9:16 am

    Mrs Rohou was my teacher in CP, ce1,CM1 and CM2. She cared about all her class and taught me most of the stuff I know today so a big thank you to her.
    Ps: she loved my hair and touched it every morning which I liked ❤️

  • Bouthors family (with Sidonie, Gaetan, Célestine and Corentin from 3 Collines) , 30 October 2020 @ 9:21 am

    We were so sad to hear the death of our dearest Mrs Rohou. She has been teaching in primary to 3 of our 4 kids, one of them even 4 years of her entire primary. She has been very caring and positive, and a very good teacher. So sad that she couldn’t benefit from her so well deserved retirement. We will keep great memories of her, and I am sure she had a great influence on what our kids are getting to be. All our condolences to the family.

  • Mia Norris , 30 October 2020 @ 9:23 am

    Dear misses Rohou. I know I’ve never had you has a teacher but that still doesn’t mean I didn’t car about you. I’m sure you were a great teacher. Now your dead every birthday I will send you a small text. I love you and I always will ❤️ Mia Leo’s sister

  • Helen Wren , 30 October 2020 @ 11:14 am

    Dear Evelyn, you taught me so much – and not just about being a teacher. Your laughter will ring down the corridors of Trois Collines and be remembered in our hearts for as long as we are there. God bless your family and daughters and give solace to them. Much love, Helen

  • Mela Nolan , 30 October 2020 @ 11:49 am

    We’re so shocked and saddened by the news of Evelyn’s passing. All our love and sympathy go to her family at this time. Evelyn made a big impact on our lives. She taught our children who have such fond memories of her and she supported us as parents too, wrapping me in an Irish mammy hug when I got emotional in a parents meeting, she was much more than a teacher, she was a bubbly fun caring personality who lit up the school. The children chanted her name at the end of year show to thank her for her efforts with them. She was so loved and much missed after she retired. We live you Mrs Rohou! Rest in peace. Mela, Thady, Sorcha, Maggie, Tadhg and Sé Nolan Xxxxxxx

  • Jeanne Shaw , 30 October 2020 @ 1:24 pm

    A great teacher who worked her students hard, very dynamic and enthusiastic who taught me a lot.

    I will miss you

    Jeanne CP/CE1 – 2011/13

  • Marc BOUTIN ( Mrs Rohou student from 3 Collines Primary School) , 30 October 2020 @ 2:10 pm

    Mrs. ROHOU had been my english teacher for four years.
    I’m so sad she is not with us anymore. I’ll always remember her love for artwork, poetry, similes, one of her favorites words: umbrella and those unforgetable math exercises!
    Strict and loving teacher.
    She always tried to help us as much as she could.
    The students of 3 Collines will never forget you.
    Marc BOUTIN

  • Catherine Bohanne (Mother of Pablo) , 30 October 2020 @ 2:32 pm

    Evelyn, was sooooooo nice with Pablo (3 years teaching ). She was always smiling and kind with him and me,
    always in a good mood, she will be terribly missed.
    I still can hear her voice and her special accent 🙂
    We will never forget her. She was wonderful.
    Big thoughts to her family.
    Catherine Bohanne (Mom of Pablo Bohanne) – French family –

  • Catherine Bohanne , 30 October 2020 @ 2:55 pm

    Pablo Bohanne is now 17 years old. She like Pablo very much.

  • Michel UGHETTO , 30 October 2020 @ 5:35 pm

    Dear Evelyn, you have been an exemplary teacher of seriousness and kindness toxards your students, and a cheerful, positive and caring colleague. You worked hard into old age without ever losing your love for your job. You had lots of plans for your retirement, and in particular that of getting closer to your daughter, mother of your darling grandson..Fate wanted otherwise…it’s terribly unfair and I’m very saddened. All my sincere condolences to your family. Goodbye Evelyn, rest in peace. Michel, headteacher of the 3 Collines International School in Mougins fromm 2006 to 2015.

  • Carolyn Rodrigue , 30 October 2020 @ 5:58 pm

    I was so sad when I heard that your mother was ill and that now she has passed away. I loved having chats with her at school, she was such a fun loving person. I so enjoyed making her birthday cake for the end of year international tea. Remember how many children she taught English to, taking some on at 6 years old who could hardly speak the language, yet by the time they left primary school were reading and writing. She knew every child individually, caring to their every need, I know they are all very upset. She gave these children a new life! I am thinking of you all and the pain you are going through, please accept my deepest condolences. May she rest in peace. Carolyn

  • Edwige Bambrough , 30 October 2020 @ 6:33 pm

    Evelyn Rohou was our son Eliot’s English teacher from 2013 when he was 6 years old to 2018. She was so committed to her young students and a wonderful teacher for parents too. She had a wonderful energy about her, she was always positive about her pupils’ abilities, encouraging and finding what they were best at, helping them build a solid ground of confidence. Our children reached the age of going to Collège and leaving primary school at the same time as Evelyn retired. Goodbyes were emotional and heartful. We are so very sorry and sad that she has departed and would like to express our deepest condolences and regrets to her family.

  • Iris, Andreea and Sever Cercelaru , 30 October 2020 @ 8:33 pm

    Dear Mrs. Rohou,
    Time to say again how much Iris enjoyed the 5 years spent with you in the school 3 Collines – Mougins, France (2012-2017)…
    Time to say how much Iris learnt from you…
    Time to say we will never forget your kindness, your smile…
    Time to say you will always stay in our heart
    Time to say again « thank you »…
    Time to say Goodbye….
    May you rest in peace

  • Jeanne ZONGO , 30 October 2020 @ 9:19 pm

    Notre très chère Mrs. Rohou était déjà partie pour l’Irlande après sa retraite…. et maintenant elle est partie rejoindre les anges!
    Elle nous manque et nous en sommes extrêmement tristes!
    Elle était tout à la fois pour nous: une amie, une mère, une mamie et une merveilleuse enseignante pour nos enfants! Nous ne pourrons jamais l’oublier!
    C’était une très belle personne, si bienveillante, merveilleuse et chaleureuse avec tous ! Elle acceptait tous les enfants tels qu’ils étaient, respectant chacun son caractère, tout en les stimulant, les encourageant et leur donnant confiance en eux!
    Elle a cocoonné nos enfants pour leurs premières années en anglais : elle a merveilleusement accompagné mon aîné Lilian pour son CP et CE1 à l’école de Mougins le Haut, puis Eliott mon benjamin pour les ateliers de Reading à l’école Sartoux. Elle leur a donné le goût de l’anglais et du travail bien fait ! “You are The Best! You are The Star!” leur disait-elle! Cela les rendait fiers et audacieux!
    Elle leur a offert le plus beau cadeau au monde: un bel avenir!
    C’était un ange et elle a rejoint ces derniers au ciel d’où elle continuera de veiller sur nous tous!
    Elle restera toujours dans nos cœurs, qu’elle Repose en Paix !
    Toutes mes pensées vont à sa famille éplorée !

  • Iris, Andreea and Sever Cercelaru , 30 October 2020 @ 9:25 pm

    Dear Mrs. Rohou,
    Time to say again how much Iris enjoyed the 5 years spent with you in the school 3 Collines – Mougins, France (2012-2017)…
    Time to say how much Iris learnt from you…
    Time to say we will never forget your kindness, your smile…
    Time to say you will always stay in our heart
    Time to say again « thank you »…
    Time to say Goodbye…
    May you rest in peace…

  • Eleanor Picq , 30 October 2020 @ 10:06 pm

    So many memories of a dear teacher, fun activities with our children, much laughter, a few tears, a few glasses of wine and much laughter. Thank you for all you have accomplished with our children and all you have taught us parents. We were privileged to have you. May you rest in peace, a job well done. May your family be comforted in their loss by knowing you are greatly loved by many and will not be forgotten in our hearts and in our homes.

  • Satine ROGER-BRUA , 30 October 2020 @ 10:10 pm

    Mrs ROHOU was a wonderful teacher she taught us many things that will not be forgotten. She always was there for us when we needed help and was more than a teacher to us. I will never forget all the good time spent with her, the song “molly malone” she used to sing to us, the chocolate bars she’d gave us when we had good grades, her cup of tea she’d bring every morning, her smile and her wink she’d give us when she was proud of us, her hugs, the joy she brought me during these four years in her class and a thousand other beautiful memories. I will keep her memory in my heart forever.
    SATINE Roger-Brua (and Romain, Karine, Stephane)

  • Céleste Kelili , 31 October 2020 @ 1:02 am

    It is with great sadness that I learned of the passing away of Evelyn, she was my teacher in CM2 in the trois collines 10 years ago and she probably was the best english teacher I have ever had. She was such a kind soul, always cheerful and fun. Many years after leaving the primary school for highschool I used to still see her around and she hadn’t changed a bit, I still remember her very distinctive laugh and accent that I loved so much. She definitely was a ray of sunshine at the 3 collines school. I really was devastated to learn this news, she will always be in my memory. I truly adored her, may she rest in peace now. 
    My deepest sympathies and condolences go out to her family.

  • Nathalie GRILLO , 31 October 2020 @ 9:33 am

    We are very sad to hear this terrible news. Evelyn taught our son William for several years in elementary school and he loved her so much. She was a kind and loving person, caring about each child, and giving each of them her full attention. She was cheerful and friendly with everyone and was more than just a teacher for the children, she gave them so much love.

    We will miss Evelyn, and she will remain in our hearts.

    Our sincere condolences.

    The Grillo family.

  • Antonella & Phil Norris parents of Leo & Mia (9yrs) , 3 CollinEs , 31 October 2020 @ 9:45 am

    Dear Mrs Rohou family,
    There are not many words I can use to describe my sorrow to you.
    I still have the sound of her voice and her smile stuck in my head whilst telling me how lovely the class was and how beautiful our children were; she was so proud of them, she adored Leo’s hair.
    Always caring and present to any school’s events, bringing joy and laughter.
    Yes, Umbrella was her favorite word and Nice wasn’t a nice word
    No doubt you have been a fantastic mother, a great grandmother, a truly friend, a caring teacher…. you were a beautiful person all over and a beautiful soul now… Rest in peace
    You will be always in our hearts❤️

  • Laurence DEMARET , 31 October 2020 @ 10:43 am

    Je n’oublierai pas Evelyn ton sourire, tes blagues, ton accent, ton rire. Tu mettais de la bonne humeur en salle des maîtres et dans les couloirs. A la remise des lots de la kermesse, tu animais le stand comme personne. Tu aimais t’arrêter dans les couloirs de la maternelle et commenter les œuvres des enfants.
    Très triste aujourd’hui pour toi qui n’a pas pu profiter de la retraite comme tu l’aurais souhaité et pour ta famille.
    Sincères condoléances à ta famille

  • Maeliss kelili , 31 October 2020 @ 11:01 am

    I hope mrs.Rohou will rest in peace and end up in a better place where she will find tranquility. I would like to thank her for the wonderful teaching she gave to me and my class. We will never forget of how wonderful, kind and fun she was in class. Thank you for everything you taught to us. Mrs Rouhou, by far one of the kindest and best teacher i had, forever in my heart.

  • Clemence Ritter , 31 October 2020 @ 11:09 am

    What a sad new when we heard about Mrs Rohou’s health …
    We all cried, and remembered the teacher she was. She was the teacher of 2 of my d’auditeurs Maeliss & Celeste. I saw her every early morning. She was always smiling, full of energy and good vibes. Always caring of everyone. We will keep in mind Mrs Rohou as one of the most important teacher for us.

  • Sue Bateman , 31 October 2020 @ 12:24 pm

    Dearest Evelyn my great friend and teaching colleague . You were such a beautiful person , so caring ,so dedicated ,loyal and with strong honest opinions which I valued.
    So really sad that you have to leave us so early into your retirement but you have left us with SO many wonderful memories to cherish .
    The church service today was a true personal tribute to Evelyn and SO many of us were able to be there via the live online service .Thankyou .In non Covid times I’m certain that the church would have been full and overflowing .
    My heart goes out to Jane and Claire ,Mathieu and little Hugo .
    I will never forget you Ev . Rest peacefully now .
    Sue Bateman , France .

  • Nathalie GRILLO , 31 October 2020 @ 1:41 pm

    We are very sad to hear this terrible news. Evelyn taught our son William for several years in elementary school and he loved her so much. She was a kind and loving person, caring about each child, and giving each of them her full attention. She was cheerful and friendly with everyone and was more than just a teacher for the children, she gave them so much love.

    We will miss Evelyn, and she will remain in our hearts.

    Our sincere condolences.

    The Grillo family.

  • Caroline Courdacy , 31 October 2020 @ 7:09 pm

    We were heartbroken when we heard the sad and unexpected news. Evelyn has always been a great teacher with our children and they will never forget her, she’ll always be in our heart.
    Our deepest sympathies to her family,
    Caroline, Jean-Marie, Jérôme and Pauline Courdacy

  • BARBIER-PESTOURIE , 1 November 2020 @ 8:48 am

    Mrs Rohou taught us for 4 of our primary years : she was an incredible teacher!! She taught us many things, and we worked a lot with her, but we always had a smile on our faces. We also did fun things like english breakfasts, father and mother’s day presents. She liked her students and cared about them. We’ll never forget you Mrs Rohou.

  • Caroline Courdacy , 1 November 2020 @ 9:04 am

    We were heartbroken when we heard the sad and unexpected news. Evelyn has always been a great teacher with our children. Always cheerful and positive minded. We ‘ll miss her very much and she’ll always be in our hearts.
    Our deepest sympathies to her family,
    With love,
    Caroline, J Marie, Jérôme and Pauline ( 3 Collines – Mougins)

  • Noel O’Sullivan , 1 November 2020 @ 12:40 pm

    Claire and Jane. Sincere sympathies to you on the loss of your wonderful Mother. I followed the Mass on line yesterday. You must surely appreciate Eamon so much. He led a dignified and deeply personal ceremony. It must be so difficult heading home and leaving your Maman behind. Je prie pour vous. Evelyn vous soutiendra tjrs. Courage.
    Noel (classmate of Eamon)

  • Juliette Clarkin , 2 November 2020 @ 12:50 pm

    We were deeply shocked and saddened by the news of Mrs Rohou’s passing. Such a wonderful and inspirational teacher. Charlotte was very fond of her when she attended Trois Collines. Mrs Rohou was always so cheerful and friendly to students and to the parents. It was so lovely to see her smiling face at the school gates. She will be missed.
    Sending our deepest sympathies to her family. You are in our prayers.
    Juliette & Charlotte Clarkin

  • Donna , 3 November 2020 @ 12:52 am

    Dearest Evelyn, my heart is broke and I’m so soul destroyed for your family. You were in our care for so long. You know how much we loved you and I truly hope your family know how thought of and loved you were in our care. From the nurses, doctors, health care assistants, domestics, catering and all who knew you. We will never forget you, rest in peace sweet Evelyn x

  • Marie-pierre et jean-luc , 3 November 2020 @ 12:24 pm

    Nous n avons pas de mots assez forts pour exprimer notre tristesse et chagrin. Evelyn ne laisse personne indifférent après son passage. Nous avons croisé son chemin et nous avons marché ensemble sur ce chemin qui a été très court. Mais Evelyn nous a laissé son parfum de joie , de sa simplicité de vivre sa vie. Son amour pour ses filles était beau à voir. Elle a accueilli Mathieu à bras ouverts et elle a eu rapidement une joie de l l’inclure dans sa famille. Nous avons marié nos enfants avec le seul soucis qu’ils soient heureux. Nos larmes coulent mais nous nous consolons en nous disant qoue nous avons eu une très grande chance de l avoir connue . Evelyn nous pensons très fort à toi.


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