RYAN, Ann – peacefully, 21st December 2021, RIP, (late of 20, Whiterock Park, Castlederg). Beloved daughter of the late Colum and Nan, much loved sister of Dinny, Bernie, Mamie, John, Isobel (Willie), Catherine (Robbie) and Paddy, loving auntie of Áine, Níamh, Ríofach, Liam and Garbhan.
Funeral from her late home on Friday, 24th December at 10.20 am for Requiem Mass at 11 am in St. Patrick’s Church, Aghyaran. Interment afterwards in Gartan Cemetery, Co. Donegal. The Mass can be viewed via the Aghyaran Parish webcam.
Due to Government restrictions, the house is private to family and close friends.
Very deeply regretted and sadly missed by her sorrowing brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, grand-nieces, grand-nephews and entire family circle.
Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her Soul