SCOTCHFORD – The death has taken place July 16th, 2021 at his home of Stan Scotchford, 5 Belldoo Strabane and formerly of Twickenham. Beloved husband of Evelyn, much loved father of Ann-Marie and Shelley, father-in-law of Gerry dearly loved grandfather of Alex and Edward and brother of Pam, George, Gordon Cathy, Jennifer and the late Sheila, Mary, Jean and Robert.
Funeral leaving his home on Monday, July 19th at 1 pm for cremation in Lakelands Crematorium at 3 pm.
Deeply regretted by his sorrowing wife, daughters, son-in-law, grandchildren, brother, sisters and family circle.
In accordance with current restrictions (re: Coronavirus), the house and funeral will be private to family only please.
Messages of comfort and sympathy for the family may be placed in the condolence below.