25 YEARS AGO/1997
Glass windows smashed
POLICE are investigating a number of incidents in the Omagh area when vandals broke glass windows in a number of premises.
Damage was caused to the council offices at the Grange, and the front door of the main building was smashed, although no entry was gained. Two large windows at KFC were also broken. The culprits used a glass cylinder to cause the damage, estimated to be £1,000.
The front window of a shop at Main Street, and a second window of the premises, were also smashed.
Sub-postmaster needed
THEsearch is continuing to find a new sub-postmaster for a Tyrone post office which has been forced to ‘shut up shop’ after unsuccessful attempts to fill the ‘post’.
Post Office counters have been advertising the position at Favor Royal Post Office, near Augher, since the former subpostmaster resigned in June 1997.
However, no applications have been received, causing the post office to temporarily close.
Fireworks thrown at youths
TWO young people, one an 11-year-old boy, and the other, a schoolgirl, are among the casualties of the dangerous misuse of illegal fireworks by youths in the Omagh area.
The 11-year-old boy, from Strathroy, was injured in the knee when a banger was thrown by the youths. And in the second incident, the 15-year-old suffered bruising to her legs after the firework was thrown in her direction.
The RUC have appealed for information.
50 YEARS AGO/1972
‘Lilter from Dromore ’ dies
IT is difficult to think that Micky McCann, that genial and lively personality from Dromore, is no longer with us.
His death leaves a void in the hearts of all who knew him, and one which will be difficult to fill.
‘The lilter from Dromore’ was a great figure to know, and his jovial nature and friendly personality endured him to all.
A native of Dromore, he spent all of his life in the locality, and during his long term as a council roadworker, he made numerous friends throughout the county.
Micky found time to pursue his favourite hobby – Irish music – and it was in this sphere that he became a household name throughout Ulster.
Bomb blast near Trillick
DAMAGE estimated at £30,000 was caused at a bomb blast at the Harp, between Dromore and Trillick, which wrecked the shop of Bert Duncan.
The blast caused damage to an adjacent meal store, and to windows in other buildings. The main damage to the shop, however, was caused by a fire which broke out after the explosion.
A 999 telephone call raised the alarm, and nearby residents were evacuated.
Hoax call to army
AN attempt has been made to ‘lure’ soldiers to a landmine near Sion Mills. The Army stated that it was done by a ‘misleading’ phonecall stating that a ‘bomb had been planted in a building’. Army experts foiled the plan.
75 YEARS AGO/1947
‘Driverless car’ crashes
PEOPLE in George’s Street were startled to see a driverless car moving down the hill towards High Street.
The explaination was that the owner, F McGurn of George’s Street, had parked it outside the INF Hall while he crossed the street to open his garage doors, and the car moved off.
Fortunately, its headstrong career was abruptly terminated when it collided with the lamp standard beside the Courthouse.
The car was slightly damaged, and no-one was injured.
Played final with injury
JACKIE McConnell, Gortin, one of the Tyrone Minor players, played in the final with a badly-injured wrist.
During the first week of training, he received the injury, but it was considered to be minor. However, after the final, the wrist became more painful, and after X-ray examination at Tyrone County Hospital, the injury was shown to be rather serious.
After treatment, he was discharged.
Struck leg with hook
GEORGE Burton, a local employee of Tyrone County Council, sustained a severe gash to his leg when he struck it with a hook while sheering grass on the roadside.
The wound required several stitches.
Dredger returns
AN old friend is to be seen at work on the river bed again, this time, below the Abbey Bridge.
It is, of course, the dredger, which occasioned much interest some time ago.
100 YEARS AGO/1922
Fire destroys Newtown shop
AN extensive fire has occurred in Newtownstewart, as a result of which the grocery shop of Messrs Henderson Ltd was completely gutted, and the entire stock destroyed.
However, the adjoining hardware store, which belonged to the same firm, was saved.
The fire is supposed to have originated in the cellar, but the cause of the outbreak is unknown.
The damage is estimated at several thousands of pounds.
Mistaken identity
J McSorley of Castle Street, Omagh, who was arrested by Free State forces in Bundoran, has been released and has arrived home. It is understood that he was arrested through mistaken identity.
Wounded by bullets
DANIEL Duffy, Omagh, who was severely wounded by bullets in Belfast some months ago, is still under treatment in the Mater Hospital. He is progressing as favourably as can be expected.
Shot-gun in possession
THE case against Jason Mellon of Stranisk, Dromore, for having a double-barrelled shot-gun has been adjourned to Omagh Petty Sessions. Mellon is, at present, on bail.
Off for two weeks
W ROULSTONE, master of the Castlederg Workhouse, has been granted a fortnight’s holidays. The matron will attend to his duties during the absence.