I RECENTLY took on one of my biggest physical challenges to date: The 30k – more like 33k – Seven Sisters Skyline run. Starting at Muckish Mountain and covering six other peaks, the final being Errigal. This was very taxing on the legs, knees and mind.
The run took me over different terrain, from rocky mountain slopes, slippery grassy downhills, stepping across rivers, up to my knees in some bogland, and a bit of road just for good measure.
There were stages during the race – going up Mount Errigal and the final mile – when I thought I was finished, that the body was giving up, but the mind kept pushing me along.
I kept reinforcing positive mantras and thoughts in my head, and tried to enjoy the moment, scenery and the sense of achievement for what I was doing.
I also kept thinking about the 40 per-cent rule made famous by the Navy Seals. The 40 per-cent rule is the idea that when our mind is telling us to quit, we don’t, and that our body has only used up 40 per-cent of its potential. There were a lot of these moments. No matter how positive I was, the mind told me I was done.
From a scientific perspective, it’s not 100 per-cent sound information, but the benefits lie on the mental side.
You learn to rid your mind of limiting beliefs, stop overthinking, step outside of your comfort zone, find purpose, stay motivated and disciplined, and never give up.
Whether focusing on physical or mental health, all of these are beneficial habits formed through healthy practices.
Researchers have defined this as ‘mental toughness’, and while more research needs to be done in the field, there is evidence that links solid mental toughness and the ability to push with better outcomes in exercising.
Training the mind with the body, and the body with reason, can balance both. Giving yourself a push to go that extra bit, whether when you’re working out in the gym or on the clock at your desk, can positively impact your thinking and boost your mood.
Learning to let go of your limits and push yourself beyond the boundaries you’ve set can be incredibly liberating, giving you a boost in self-esteem and motivation for the next challenge.
In extreme cases, the issue with total belief in the rule can cause serious injury. Maybe your body is telling you, ‘No. Really stop, you have broken your foot’.
If you are always going hard all of the time, sooner or later, you will burn out.
It’s like calling it the intelligent 40 per-cent rule, knowing when it is time to stop and when it’s time to keep pushing.
You will also have to have a strong reason for pushing past the 40 per-cent, and finding you’re ‘why’. If your goal is to run half a marathon and find those last few miles that you have nothing left, you have to push past your 40 per-cent.
If we let them, our minds can be a powerful tool or a poisonous enemy. Next time you’re deep in the pain cave and your mind begins to tell you to quit, think of the 40 per-cent rule. If you truly believe and trust in your ‘why’, your willpower will allow you to push for that extra 60 per-cent – even when your mind says ‘no’.