Lockdown has taken and given a lot. For me, one positive thing I will take away is that it has giving me the opportunity to re-evaluate and think about my purpose.
If you ask this question to yourself – what is my purpose? – would you have a clear answer?
Many of you may say ‘my family’, ‘to enjoy life’ or ‘be successful’, which are good but not that clear or defined.
Others, possibly most of us, will say I don’t really know. I was in this category until I took the time to sit down and really think about it. I spent a whole weekend with paper all over my kitchen table writing down goals, drawing up my vision and trying to define my purpose.
It finally came to me: I want to inspire millions of people to lead a happy, healthy and more fulfilling life. When I said it took me a weekend to come up with, it was more like 35 years of making mistakes, going with the flow, and trying new things before finding out what I really wanted to do.
Personally, for me the purpose statement that I came up fits into what I have been doing for many years, but I never really defined it.
I didn’t have that ‘big’ goal or even a vision to where I was going. I am very fortunate to be able to do something I love, and the biggest reward is the positive effect I have had on people’s lives, but without a purpose I was cheating myself and millions of others.
I know that I can help millions and I know that will happen. How it will happen I don’t know and don’t really have to know. What I do have to do is two things: Hold onto my purpose with faith and start to take action towards it.
I would suggest that you define your purpose, goals and/vision of who you are and what you want to be. It can be anything as long as it serves you and others.
It may take you a few hours, days, weeks even months. That is the easy part.
The hard part is having the faith knowing that it is already created, and it is coming to you. We are God’s highest form of creation. Even if you don’t believe in God you may call it, the universe, spirit or energy.
It is all around us and we can control it with our thoughts, feelings and actions.
If you think positive thoughts, positive things will happen if you think negative thoughts, then negative things will happen. It’s one of the laws of the universe.
Now stick with me on this, I’m not here to preach about religion or theories about the universe but think back to a time when you really wanted something, and you held the faith that you were getting it no matter what. This could be an object, situation, new job or relationship. It happened because you defined what you wanted (thought), you held the image in your mind and what that would bring to you and others (feeling) and then you took the correct steps (action) towards getting it.
You can relate this to anything in life, health, fitness, personal or business goals.
The key point to all of this is that you must take action. Sitting in your room manifesting all the good that is coming your way isn’t going to make it magically appear.
And the reason I keep saying hold the faith is because there are going to be times when people or certain things happen, especially in your mind, when you will doubt your purpose or goals.
When this happens know that it is just your paradigm trying to play tricks on you. It’s a sign that you are on the right track, so keep going. Define your purpose, send it out to the universe and take the correct action steps knowing that it is coming your way.